Monday Morning Moto: If you need a boost, read this


In my business, 4th Quarter is an especially important time of year.  One of my jobs is to inspire our salespeople.  I like to write; so I usually “inspire” with overly-long emailed memos.  Although I know I can be a bit verbose at times, I do hope that at least some of my words motivates my team to take a different perspective or perhaps step outside of their comfort zone.

I decided to share with you the last paragraph of the email I wrote this past week to my team.  I have a lot of friends who are either in sales or manage businesses.  Maybe this will help some of you.  From time to to time we all need a little encouragement.  So with that, here is the last paragraph of this morning’s memo to my team:

Know that I appreciate all of you.  I would never give you an unreachable goal or challenge.  I am 100% convinced that our team can do this.  Where to begin?  First, you need to make your own individual plan for your contribution to the team, and then convince yourself you can deliver on your plan.  I think a big part of accomplishing anything tough is that you have to see yourself succeeding.  If in your mind’s eye you can picture yourself crossing the finish line and even feeling the emotion that comes with the accomplishment, then completing the task at hand becomes much easier.  Second, you need to change things up.  The only way to get to a different result is through change.  If you show up to work and set big goals but change nothing, then I can all but guarantee you that you will most likely see no improvement.  The path to better runs through the middle of change.  Next, you need to push yourself like crazy.  When things start getting tough you have to power through it.  Whatever you do DON’T GIVE UP AND QUIT.  Me personally, the only way I am ever quitting at anything is if I have an open artery shooting blood or I am in full cardiac arrest.  Anything short of that, then surely I can find the strength to take one more step closer to my goal.  Quitting is the easiest thing to do, but know that the consequences of doing so will haunt you for the rest of your life.  I still remember walking off of the diving board in my swim class when I was about 8.  To pass the class all I had to do was jump.  I didn’t.  To this day, when I am in a situation that is next to impossible I think about all of the other kids in the class getting their certified swimmers certificate but me.  Not passing the class crushed my spirit and is still with me over forty years later.  Lastly, do your best.  No one can ask more of you than your best.  Only one person can be the true decider on whether or not you have delivered your best effort, and that is you.  So be true to yourself.  In closing, there is a quote that goes, “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Eliot.  Dream big and don’t let fear get in your way.  Now let’s go and crush 4th Quarter.

As I said, that was the last paragraph of my memo.  Maybe these words will inspire you.  Since I am posting this on my personal website blog, I think it is only fitting to end by saying – I hope you Find Your Adventure and most of all Live Your Life.