Life Outside of the Comfort Zone
Welcome to and I created this website to give me a place to tell my stories. I write these stories so my kids will have something to remember me by when I am gone. I share them from time to time as well. People tell me they are interesting. Who knows? Maybe it might encourage or inspire someone to take that first step outside of their comfort zone. Two people encouraged me to take my first step, and now maybe I can pay it forward.
If you would like to read my stories, click on Blogs to read my posts and stories. Also at the top of this website, you'll see something that says The List. Life is made up of moments. The List is a chronological listing of the moments I never want to forget.
I enjoy writing and talking about being uncomfortable. It takes a lot of courage to step outside of the comfort zone because it is, well, uncomfortable. However, comfort and growth do not coexist.
I've had people talk to me about writing a book and doing some public speaking. Although I have written some "book-length" stories, maybe someday I will write a real book. I've done some public speaking in the past, but I am not very good. Maybe I will do something about that one day.
I hope you enjoy my website and it inspired you to Find Your Adventure and Live Your Life.
PS - If you want to find out why it's called BMF Adventure Club, you can find the answer HERE . Being a BMF is a temporary state of mind that gets you through the moments when you have to dig really deep in order to continue and reach your objective.

Hi and welcome to my website...
I made this website so I could have my own little space on the Internet.
The main parts of this website are my Blog, a page where I keep my Bucket List, and a Gallery of a few of my favorite pictures.
Here's a little about me. I now live in Houston. I moved here for work. I'm in the media business. I enjoy being given complex problems and then finding a solution. I also like to build high performing teams.
I have three children who I spend most of my time worrying about. They are grown and awesome kids, but I still worry. I got married in 2024 to Jamie, AKA The Librarian. She's great and is cool with me chasing adventure.
Although I do work quite a bit, my passion is exploration and adventure. I love to test myself and learn new things. The comfort zone is where dreams go to die. I guess that's why I try and spend as little time there as possible. Years ago, I decided to live my life based on 5 core values; Discipline, Grit, Confidence, Courage, and Couriosity. I do my best to live true to these values.