If you know me, then you know about my little outreach and website I call BMF Adventure Club. Often, I get asked what does BMF stand for? Without hesitation I say, “Beating my fears,” and that is true…. Some of the time.
It is a widely known fact that all growth happens outside of the Comfort Zone. If you’re not uncomfortable, then you’re not growing. I put myself into a lot of uncomfortable situations. Some intentionally, and sometimes not.
When I think about the situations where I was all out of physical energy, all out of emotional energy, and quite frankly reached the point that it would be okay to quit, I got through it by telling myself that I am a Bad Mother F%$#ER…. A BMF.
Now then, do I really see myself as being a BMF? The answer is yes and no. In reality, I know that I’m an old, fat, bald guy. But, that’s really not what being a BMF is about. You see, being the type of BMF I am talking about is not about appearance, muscle or money. It’s about the strength of your heart and mind; your desire to finish what you start and push yourself to the absolute limit. In short, replacing can’t with can, and try with I will. It’s a mindset.
What are some of the traits of a BMF? BMFs have courage, confidence, grit and are by their general nature curious. BMFs don’t quit. BFMs say yes and accept the lofty challenge. BMFs see possibilities and options where others see none. BMFs live the phrase, I Don’t Stop.
A discussion I have had with my kids on several occasions is about winning life’s battles by simply refusing to give up. We live in a world filled with quitters. As soon as things start getting tough, most people start looking for the exit. Hell, most people are too damn lazy to even start! As I tell them, “Who cares if the competition is smarter or have more resources. Just outlast them, and don’t quit and don’t give up. Your competition will quit. They always do.”
Next time you’re in a tough situation and you are about to toss in the towel, pause, and then go to the BMF Zone. I Don’t Stop. I Don’t Stop. I Don’t Stop.
Until next time, go Find Your Adventure and Live Your Life.
PS – Speaking of kids, my daughter and I went skydiving yesterday. It was her first skydive. Here’s her video of the jump. She did great. I really don’t know of anything better than watching your children take huge steps outside of their comfort zone. It takes a ton of courage to jump out of a plane at 14,000 feet. She’s a BMF for sure. #BMFAdventureZone